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Charles from Wind Spirit is diving into the brand new Cabrinha Swift, the ultimate board designed for light winds. He breaks down his experiences with this innovative board and why it's making waves in the wing foiling community.

Cabrinha Swift Overview

The Cabrinha Swift comes in three sizes: 85, 100, and 125 liters. During his testing, he focused on the 125-liter version, ideal for heavier riders or those looking light wind machine.

Performance and Features

Design and Build: The Cabrinha Swift stands out with its dedicated design for light winds. It's narrower outline than traditional wing boards enhances its agility and maneuverability on the water.

Versatility: One of the standout features of the Cabrinha Swift is its adaptability to different riding preferences. By adjusting the foil mast position, Charles could customize the board's balance between agility and stability. Moving the mast forward enhanced maneuverability, making it feel like a smaller board, perfect for playing in swells. Conversely, shifting it back provided more stability, ideal for cruising in lighter winds.

Riding Experience: I paired the Swift with an 850 front wing and a 4-meter wing, experiencing effortless gliding and pump efficiency. Even in minimal wind (5 to 12 knots), I could catch swells and maneuver with ease, thanks to its responsive handling.

Who Should Ride the Cabrinha Swift?

Experienced Foilers: Due to its narrower profile, the Cabrinha Swift is best suited for riders already comfortable with wing foiling. It offers a thrilling experience for those looking to maximize their time on the water in light wind conditions.

Weight Recommendations: For riders around my weight (160 pounds), the 100-liter option provided an optimal balance of size and performance. Lighter riders may prefer the 85-liter board for enhanced responsiveness, while heavier individuals will appreciate the stability and buoyancy of the 125-liter model.


The 2024 Cabrinha Swift is a game-changer for wing foiling enthusiasts seeking maximum efficiency in light wind conditions. Whether you're chasing swells with minimal wing sizes or every little wind breeze, the Cabrinha Swift delivers unparalleled performance and versatility.

If you have any questions about the Cabrinha Swift or want to share your own experiences, drop us a comment below or visit us at Wind Spirit.ca.

See you out on the water!


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